About Us

Who we are

Firefighters Of Nova Scotia, formerly known as Nova Scotia Fire Fighters was founded on May 14, 2013. The site is open to fire fighters in Nova Scotia, as well as their friends, family, and anyone who wants to follow our page/group in general. 


The goal of our page is to keep the public informed on emergency incidents (primarily fire) happening within the province, share educational resources and anything else firefighting related within Nova Scotia. We don’t want to see any form of bullying, whether it be putting someone down, swearing, etc.


Fire Fighters Of Nova Scotia is NOT associated with an actual fire department, community organization, news organization or any business. It is also not associated with any other Facebook page such as Dahl Dispatch, Kings County Fire & Emergency Calls or any of the other fire fighting page’s here in the province of Nova Scotia. 


Any media we post is our intellectual property unless otherwise stated. We kindly ask that if you would like to share our intellectual media that you give us credit where it is due. If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to send us a message on the page. Or email us at firefighterofnovascotia@gmail.com


We share breaking and active incidents within the province of Nova Scotia to inform others of road closures, safety issues and to keep others in the loop about where emergency services are responding to/are on scene of. Our call posting structure is as followed. We will start the post out with the following format month/day/year | the time the first page was issued or when the post was made. Below it will be “BREAKING” if the incident has happened recently (Within 30 minutes) or we will post “ACTIVE INCIDENT” if the incident started over 30ish minutes before we posted it. We will also add “TRAFFIC ADVISORY” after “BREAKING” if the poster believes the incident will pose a traffic problem. The second part of the posting structure is the department(s) initially dispatched. The third part is the incident type ex. Structure Fire, MVA, Rope Rescue… etc. The final part of the initial posting structure is the community in which the incident is located, please note, unless the poster believes the incident poses an immediate threat to one’s life, safety or property or is a traffic advisory we will not post the exact location of the incident. Please note, all incidents on 100 series highways that are posted will have the distance marker, exit number, direction of travel such as Northbound, Southbound, etc… and community name added to the post, if the poster is aware of those details. All comments revealing personal information of incidents, ie… street names, occupants names etc will be deleted. Unless it meets our location posting requirement. 


To summarize if we are notified of a forest fire in Maitland and the fire department responding is Maitland we will post the following *please not this is an example only* BREAKING: Maitland Fire – Forest fire in Maitland followed by the date and time above. If any mutual aid departments are dispatched they will be added onto the initial post by adding “Mutual aid dispatched from” and then commenting the responding mutual aid departments below. 


Other non fire related information we post about are but not limited to…


Official police issued missing persons reports (Nova Scotia only)

Emergency service related articles (Case by case basis)

Emergency alerts. 

RCMP/Police issued statements related to serious incidents across the province of Nova Scotia. 


Pictures & firefighting related events are welcome to be displayed on our page and group. If you would like an event advertised, you can either post it on the page, or message us, and someone will post it. Please note if you post something on our actual group you will need to wait for an admin to approve of it or deny it. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to message us or email us at 



Should you have any concerns, complaints about our page please email 



The email for one of the email admins is also open for any inquiries. 



We thank you for your continued support with Firefighters Of Nova Scotia!


A link to our Twitter account – https://twitter.com/FireFNS?lang=en